bad bad bad bad badness.

bad bad bad bad badness.

it is always when i am in the dumps that i get a haircut. and it is always when it's back-to-school-soon that i get a haircut. by now, everybody should know that i am a nonsensical, insecure idiot and any inferior changes makes a great big fucking deal to me. i cant take the whole shit; i got a weak heart, i think it runs in the family considering.. but anyways. i am just here to say that life isnt getting any better for me. instead, things have totally just dipped and dropped right to the pit of the pits. and i am so fucking trying to be strong but nah. i am too tired and i'm caving in. i just HATE how everybody loves and lives to assume things for me. this all shit started with an assumption for "my own good". no surprise aint it? so my boyfriend assumed that i will have it better if we breakup now than let things be shitty and pining when he leaves; and my mum assumed i am a bum and doesnt do stuff or care; and the bloody fuck hairstylist assumed i wanted overdone layers and shitty bangs that sends me right into the realms of the twits! fuck you, i want to smash your head into the mirrors. i am raging! and i am vioelnt! ahhhh! what the world is wrong with them? what the fuck is their problem? so now i end up broken with every ounce of confidence shattered, a horrrible haircut, and tons of assumptions and their consequences weighing me down down down. it's so complicated it is able to send me right to being suicidal. i just want my life back. the life when i look, feel and am top-notch. who took that away from me? burn in hell, you. burn with the twits. i wont take it lying, even if hell freezes twice over.


sense my rage.



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