my eye! my beautiful eye!

my eye! my beautiful eye!

RIGHT, i am so pissed at whatever caused this! GRR! you know what happened? i have a swollen left eye when i woke up and looked into the mirror. YES! suddenly! my left eye looked as beautiful as always when i looked into the mirror before i slept last night. but now, it's swollen and doesnt feel that good. what caused this? i will hack whatever did. urgh! i am so so so so so angry. wish i will get well soon. =(

besides that (i shant rant on and on about my beautiful eye. in case you guys think i am narcissistic or something),


yes, the kids may be cute and all, i am still sick of being a babysitter. it's like having to work always mess up my social schedule, and TIME WITH BABY! i was thinking of going into spore to have a date with baby this friday, but hey, i have to work. i want to go out with baby early sat morning for breakfast, but hey, i have to work. i want to go watch an afternoon movie alone, but hey, i have to work. i want to meet my besties, BUT HEY, I HAVE TO WORK! work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work. it makes exams look good. bah bah bah! i hate work. mummy better find another teacher to do this. i cant stand it anymore. please mummy!

i am glad junyou's living a good life in aussie. yah, amidst the rich, i mean stinking stinking rich, foreign students over there.

quote from our msn convo, "she says in indonesia, the DIOR facialist comes to her house. her house has trainers, one for her, one for her mum".

the "she"s and "her"s meant this friend he met in school. she's an indonesian, and still goes for facials and has daily shopping sprees at branded stores even when she's in aus. she buys prada and burberry every week. OKAY. you get the idea? she is just REALLY REALLY RICH. =)

( i want to be too..)

and he has a teacher, MALE, with the name SASHA. hahha. no, he aint a queer/queen or whatever you call them. he's normal/straight. well, it sounds really nice over there at aus, junyou! i hope you're enjoying it there! i might just fly over and visit! yah, send me a cheque first? nah, just buy me something! hahaha. love!

thats all. i am done. want to go see my eye again. =(

oh yah, people, please stop asking questions such as "who broke your heart?" or "are you okay?". i am fine. haha. just because i put "when you break a girl's heart, she still feels it when you run into each other many years later" as my msn nick, doesnt mean my heart is broken. i just liked the sentence. haha. i am finely in love. haha.




bp choir.

bp choir.

i dont know who grace chia was mentioning on her blog about laughing at bp choir. but nevertheless, i am standing up for it. i had fun in there, working hard and learning stuff. we were close-knitted, and the effort we put in for the syfs definitely DONT lose out to either band or whatever.

so, shut your traps.

put them down and go to hell.

keep working hard juniors! sing for the passion and not for that gold award. =)




for once, "no opinions".

for once, "no opinions".

haha. or more like, i dont bother making them known and heard. i just want to keep the frank badness away for awhile. anyways, it doesnt really bother me that much. i mean, the bad choice is made for her life, not mine. and since it doesnt involve my time being wasted. =) so yah, i shant say anything.

and people have not been blogging much nowadays. i guess we're all bored. of school-less, unstable, no-belonging life.

man, i want to get my ass back into school lah!

off now.




back to missing.

back to missing.

yes, now that the weekends and cny hols are over, baby's going to spend time in spore again. so, it's back to more of missing and less of seeing. referring to HIM of course. i know, it has a ring to it, doesnt it? maybe my writing sparks are back afterall.

i am having a pretty rough time putting up with the somewhat-constant blasting of fireworks. i love the array of lights displayed, but can those things be a little quieter? sheesh. especially when they are set off a few houses down from yours. you could easily mistake it as thunder roaring right next to your ears. i never fail to jump when the first blast of fireworks are set off. urgh. i guess i am in a crappy mood again.

it seems that many people are going to the FOB concert on 3rd march! haha. i am not, so not really my prob. the free-standing tickets are going to stop selling later at 8.59am on 26th feb anyways. so, fat hope if i want to go too. unless i book online, but i'm not such a person to do stuff like that (plus, no credit card.). i like the face-to-face and cash-to-goods transaction better. call me old-fashioned, but i still want to like what i like, do what i like. hahahaha.

anyways, people who are going, have fun moshing!

maybe, we'll catch the P!ATD or MCR or AAR or THE CLICK FIVE etc concert together if they come to town. i would like to see them live more than FOB anyways, since i dont really know them, but their songs are pretty easy on the ears when they play on the radio. hahaha. i'll just wait when a worthwhile (in my viewpoint.) band comes to town. like circus coming to town! hahaha.

i shall go off now. dont really have anything to blog about. currently am more interested in reading something, finding something that will interest me. hahaha. know what will? march edition of elle and chamomile tea, here i come!




she didnt forget me!

she didnt forget me!

mummy's back, and she bought me a gift! haha. I LOVE HER. she didnt forget about her poor daughter afterall. instead, she got her the DISCO ANGEL MULTIPURPOSE MAKEUP PALETTE from RED EARTH. i wouldnt mind sharing, mummy dearest! hahaha.




when will ALL OF YOU be working together??

when will ALL OF YOU be working together??

mummy has suddenly ran off to KL again. must be on one of those outrageous shopping trips. always excluding this precious daughter of hers, leaving her in jb to dig up something use-able amidst the twit-ish crap and junk they sell in those so-called malls.
HMPH! good ah you, mummy. good.

while i wallow in self-pity about missing a shopping spree (yet again!) in shopping wonderland - KL, there is a little upside to mummy being away, namely heaps of freedom and the arrival of my beloved grandma. haha. granny cooks the best food, even though using mere groceries from those dinky markets. this woman knows magic i tell you, MAGIC! hahahaha. right, i am so insane. must be the chocolate bar i chowed down upon waking up, and now i am online, blogging. i am free from nags and stares. I AM FREE! hahahahahaha. until tonight. of course, the sweetest moments never last and there will always be dawn after every dusk or vice versa, depending on if you like mornings or nights better.

by the way, i finished the book already. seriously, it aint that bad. just a little perverted as the guy thinks about and does sex like almost all the time. it occurred to me, the whole point of the novel was to be cynical about the screwed and fucked up lives of people in britain. all those unemployment's, all the unglammed apartments. it's freakishly truthful and real. plus, it is pretty exotic with talks of india. so maybe you guys want to borrow it from the library or from yours truly, JUST DONT BUY IT. or else, there'll be another person or two wanting to burn down VINTAGE publish house and HACK down nripal's head.

REGARDLESS, i am forcing baby to read it too (and give me a summary of it to prove he DID read it.). this way, at least the book has been cycled like it's actually really really good, and i can then shrug the 36bucks away knowing someone else has 'enjoyed' it too. yah. hahaha.
pity him dont you?

hey ting, jas, jasmine and jodi!! when will it be a good time to visit you guys at work once and for all? i sincerely want to know you guys' well-beings and NOT merely there to clinch that 40% discount. hahaha!


i shall be gone now; take a bath and condition my no-longer-a-mop-of-grass hair. baby's coming in like 3 hours! man, i miss that guy like anything. plus, i want to see his face when i tell him about his reading assignment. hahahahaha!




busted some cash on a so-far lousy book. sheesh.

busted some cash on a so-far lousy book. sheesh.

went book-shopping today. after many days of slacking around and doing nothing, i could no longer handle being so intellectually rusty and mouldy anymore. so, i headed down to a bookstore and tried to pick out a book to satisfy my reading desire and literature hunger. it's either i am suffering from a serious case of indecisiveness, or i am just butt-stingy to want to pay for a book which i know will eventually be left on the shelf like all those i bought, or my perfectionist problem is getting uber critical thus egging me to keep searching for the perfect and deep and meaningful book that will make up for all the times i havent spent reading. whatever it is, I JUST CANT FIND A BOOK. after spending three or four whole hours in the store, i still have no idea which one i want. and it was only after the constant pester from my bro that i hastily left the store with a book, which i have no idea of what calibre, in tow.

at least i have a book in tow, you say. well here's the best part. i thought i had managed to pick out a pretty decent, if not good, read (jumped to conclusion when i saw the publisher; named VINTAGE. i am pretty much of a sucker for vintage. no relevance but yah. hahahah.). BUT HELL, i was more than alittle bloody wrong. (fyi: it's written by this Punjabi guy, Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal, who lives in Hackney, Britain. titled Tourism.) well, i settled down, all eager to read, after i reached home and changed. with the book in one hand and a can of ginseng snow jelly (whatever it was, as long as it improves the complexion.) in the other, i started to read. i am known to be a pretty patient reader, who can get through even the dullest and most nagger-of-a book, and wait to find the good part of even the lousiest book. BUT, after reading 92 of the 246 pages of this fucked-up book, the thought of flying to Hackney to HACK down

Nirpal's head keeps playing in my confused and puzzled (thanks to the book itself!) mind. his novel has abso-NO sense, not to say sequence, at all. it's all this constant, unorganized ranting of the perverted (cause there are quite loads of sex) persona and stuff. i dont believe it was my problem, for i think i have a pretty decent ability to understand texts, literary ones even. i dont even want to talk about it; it just doesnt seem really good at this moment. but i will read on to find out. i have to, my inquisitive nature wont allow me to rest at this. i have to find out how lousy/good it is. then maybe, i can write to Nirpal and give him a piece of my sarcastic mind. *grins.

i just hope to find some good books lah. it is irritating me how i have this incapability to spot good books.



man, i might as well spend that 36 bucks on something else. there's this necklace and earrings i kind of like at mango. but they dont just cost 36bucks lah, maybe 140+. hm, problem is, they have it in pink and black, AND I LIKE BOTH COLORS. cant decide again. urgh.

baby, you should consider carrying your desktop to starbucks. they have wireless there. it sucks that you cant come on all the time.




my personality.

My Personality
Openness To Experience
You are sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people much of the time. Stressful and frustrating situations can often be upsetting to you, but you are sometimes able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations. Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. You have some concern with others' needs, and are generally pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. You like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.

Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full Report

Browse 1000s of the most popular
myspace layouts or create your own layout.

if there's one thing i love, it's taking all these quirky tests. this one's pretty accurate. the full report's pretty interesting too. haha.



17 signs of really liking someone.


















i got this off daryl's blog. hahaha. seriously, it's really true.

baby, i guess i really like you. i was thinking about the times we talked on the phone, i didnt notice that twelve was missing and yes, i was smiling the whole time.

hahaha. man, i am love-struck. enjoy.



time to get my bootie back into the game.

time to get my bootie back into the game.

i got to say, i have been lying back, staying on the curb, hibernating, sitting on the fence etc for oh-too long. i havent been trying to keep in contact with the world, prolly cause being in jb and detached from my 'actual' life in spore, where all my friends and familiaries are, i am just butt-lazy to bother. and beside, it's pretty impossible to be 24/7 online, crapping about shits or just stoke. even if i can, other people might not be bothered to spare me with the time and i wouldnt do it anyway. also, i havent been blogging much too. blame it on laziness, fatigue, routines, shopping, work or anything BUT socialising. sometimes, i just hate the tyng that doesnt make an effort. i got to say, that's quite often. i love people; i just dont make an effort to really keep in contact with them, talk to them.. i guess that'll have to stop if i want to get into the PR line. i have to be always bothered and forever kapo and oh-so interested in everything they say, anytime and all the time. man, that might be pretty hard to achieve. no? especially when that person has a fucked-up face and spouts crap-ass nonsense.

no, who says i am in a crappy cranky mood? whatever gives that away?

anyway, since i have the time now,
lets play a game call "putting yourself in someone else's shoe"!
(prize: an agile mind to the age of 100, since you have to rack your brains thinking and imagining.)
let me present you with a scenario:

so you have a group of best friends. and for the longest time, you guys have spent time together being oh-so close and being engaged in childish activities, like having rivals and hating them.

(haha. i know, those were the days.)

well, then due to graduation and whatnot, you guys were put in this pending period where you are separated from the seeing-them-daily routine and have to be somewhere pretty far. and suddenly, lets say, two of your best friends started to co-work with lets say, two of those so-called rivals. the feud has been pretty mellow already, no one biting anyone's head off, that is. so you started feeling weird about this whole thingy, but you're not pissed or anything. you're just confused as to where this is taking you. i mean, it will be pretty weird for you to suddenly act all buddy-buddy with the 'rivals', right? but lets say, you dont mind being friends with them, since these two 'rivals' are not the one that actually started the whole childish scene last time, and also, there seems to be some bad blood between them and the one who started the whole childish scene. and most importantly, these two 'rivals' are pretty nice. without the bitch one. i know it will be bad to blame it all on the bitch one, but it seems pretty true once you think back. there were good times with the two of them, without the bitch one.

(right, shall stop the talk about the bitch one. sorry for bad language, and if i offended anyone. just saying.)

anyways, what will you do? putting yourself in a situation where you dont get to see them often. please dont say "just leave it". didnt i just say it's bad to stand aside? you will only get rusty and mouldy and then eventually, everybody forgets about you and then, your existence on earth will be in vain. and, YOU WONT WIN THE GAME SAYIING THAT.

alright, done with the emo stuff. hahaha. it wasnt, was it? man, i got nothing left. have fun you'all! tell me what will you do in the above situaition in my tag!

no, i am not spouting of myself. whatever gives that away?



leave me comments on my friendster!

and tag my board!


happy chinese new year!


sorry, been pretty busy with the whole traditional visiting and stuff, so i havent been blogging and stuff. oh well. will come back soon!




happy total defence day!

happy total defence day!
happy total defence day!

hahaha! i totally forgot. mic reminded me. i miss going to school! i want to go back now!!




my little valentine.

my little valentine.

this aint the best valentine's day, but yah, whatever. i got loads of candies and chocolates to drown my sorrows or whatever you call i am having now due to the absence of a certain someone. hmph. you'll get it when you get back, you. i got to say, thanks you guys (mel and all) for all these goodies. at least i have something..

well, despite HIM being MIA and all, i had quite a sweet day in school today. like suddenly, i have this urge to adopt jun yu as my god-baby-bro despite me having 2 bros already. i wanted god-son at first, but it's kind of weird to have a son. so yah, today while i was putting the kids to nap, jun yu was so cute, making me laugh with constant attacks of battling of his uber long lashes. he also managed to shock me with this weird impromptu question, "do you love me?". yes yes. if he werent a 3-year-old, i would be so freaked out. but oh well, he's my little valentine this year. =)

just watched this show on cable. i know, it's so pathetic to be sitting infront of the telly, watching other people make-out while i goofed down chocolates like i got dumped or something. haha. but the show was pretty nice, in a cynical way. haha. love these stuff. well, if you guys have time, go rent it or something. it's called Playing Mona Lisa. there was this scene when the guy meets the girl, and this weirdo just popped out of nowhere and took their picture. the guy took the picture from the girl and said (something like), "i think these two should go out for pizza". aww. i know, he sounds like a smooth-talker, player, jerk, whatever you call it. well, yah. he turns out to be. but it was so sweet at that moment, no? hahaha.

i am so nuts right now. must be the sugar rush from all those candies and chocolates. but i am such a let-down this year, havent got a single rose from anyone at all. this is so sad. i am so sad. i want roses lah.
you could have FedEx-ed some for me, you.
my mummy went on a date, and her daughter stayed at home, forced to play the-game-of-life with her 12-year-old bro. whee! mummy even asked cheekily what do i have planned. yah, mummy. BAH.
and it sucks that we wont get to go out this weekend. man, i miss you baby. our first V' day as a couple and it's a weekday with you in singapore and me in malaysia.
way to go, heaven. BAH.
make it up soon?

i miss Vday without my besties too.


xoxoxoxo. extras for the day of <3.

finding myself.

finding myself.

all these future-deciding thingy is making me confuse about what i want and stuff. so, i went on this whole personality quiz-RAMA! just for the heck of it. hahaha.

see some:

1) What do people think of you?

social butterfly
First impression? Outgoing and extroverted, you've got lots of friends in all different groups. People have stereotyped you as a party girl because you're always up for doing something social, and you're the one who always knows the plan for Saturday night. Since you're not afraid to open your mouth to express an opinion or tell someone what you think of them, people feel there's never a dull moment when you're around.

Doesn't sound like the REAL you? You know how you always read interviews with celebrities known for lavish partying and they say, "That's so not me--I'm really down-to-earth"? You may be kind of like that--you feel totally laid-back and yet for some reason everyone thinks you're this wild party girl.
Here's how to let people see more of your serious side.

Tip 1: As great as you are at it, resist the urge to entertain! Next time you want to give your shocking or sassy opinion, pause and count to three. Is it really worth it? If so, go for it! But look at every opportunity as a chance to give a more thoughtful or heartfelt (instead of just crazy!) opinion instead.

Tip 2: Stand on the edge of the group instead of in the middle, at least some of the time. That makes others take the floor, and you'll get to take a nice break from always being the center of attention.

Tip 3: Once a weekend, hang out with your closest friends doing something low-key. Don't feel you're letting people down by not showing up at a party. Sometimes being offstage can remind you what it feels like to be the real you.

What do people think of you?

2) What's your metropolitan match?

Do we hear violins? A daydreamer like you belongs in the land of romantic ideals. High culture and fab art give you the sense that your chic fantasies have come true.

What's your metropolitan match?

3) Do you know what vibe guys get from you?***

You're a chatterbox with your friends, but the second you spot your crush, bam! - you clam up. Not to worry - there's nothing wrong with that. But if you do want to get rid of the bashful bug, let your crush see the amazing qualities your friends love about you - like how great you are at telling stories. Pretty soon, he'll love them too!

Do you know what vibe guys get from you?

4) Are you too superficial?***

kinda care
Sure, you'll take a second glance in the mirror. But you also know where to draw the line, and you don't obsess over the way you-or others-look. Keep putting that extra effort into looking good if it helps you feel good and gives you a confidence boost, but don't let yourself get carried away.

Are you too superficial?

5) What's your secret power?


Secret Strength: open-mindedness.

Words to describe you:
unconventional, daring, adaptable, optimistic.

Power profile:
Some might call you a rebel, but you prefer "nonconformist." You'd rather follow your whims than follow the dress code, and when Nike came out with that "Just Do It" campaign, you thought they were pitching your personal motto. If the world didn't have people with "it's so crazy it just might work!" ideas like you do, there's no way we'd have cell phones, planes, or Napster. (Thanks!) But since spontaneity is your way of life, you tend to be a tad disorganized (just a tad!). Still, you're a charmer who everyone loves being around and who's known for turning even the most boring situation into a total blast.

How to work it:
You can't just wing it when it comes to real success. The trick to making your multimillion-dollar ideas into real multimillions is the follow-through. So rally your entourage (you know, the people who'll be able to say they knew you when), and ask them to stay on your back about that goal you want to go after-whether it's Hollywood stardom or the dog-walking charity fashion show you dreamed up. Get a friend to help you create an action plan, ask another friend for her input, and so on. The more people who see you're serious about meeting this goal, the more people who will ask you if you've made any progress. You won't want to let them down, so you'll be motivated to keep at it. The bottom line? Marry your risk-taking ability with stick-to-itiveness, because as the saying goes, "genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." If you follow through, there's no telling how much money you'll rake in. Um, can we have your autograph now?

Dream Jobs:
Computer-game designer, fashion editor, novelist, actor, stockbroker, entrepreneur, celebrity publicist, international news reporter, personal trainer, makeup artist, musician, interior designer, master chef.

What's your secret power?

6) What's your kissing style?


You spend your days imagining that one soul mate who's out there for you, you sensitive dreamer, you! You're shy about PDA, but when you connect with that special someone, it's like fireworks in private! Lock lips with a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.

What's your kissing style?

7) Whose job will you take?

move it, george clooney
Sorry, is that a spotlight? A charismatic type who thrives at the center of it all, you love attention, whether it's for an amazing paper you pulled together or an Oscar-worthy fight with your boyfriend. You crave (and create!) adrenaline! Next step: Hollywood or on center stage in any career you decide to pursue.

Whose job will you take?

it's embarrassingly fun to post some of these out. oh well, whatever. why should i censor myself? i shall do what i want. yes, i shall. am so hooked on Smart In A Stupid Way. have you guys heard it yet? really should go see the video at youtube
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6fJW1m7Gsk)!! oh-so appropriate for V day! the way they look at each other makes me smile. pure sweetness!!



roses are red,
violets are blue.
do you spread the love,
or want to squash it with the bottom of your shoes?

happy valentine's, y'all!

i'll be having a lonely one though. maybe me and my jae form. urgh.


smart in a stupid way.

smart in a stupid way.

She had eyes like crazy diamonds
And you ran with feet of clay
they rolled the windows tight as they were going
It was a smoggy day
She looked up and asked me if I ever had a lover that I did not betray
And I turned on the radio and I looked the other way
She said you're smart, but in a stupid way

And this is the price that you pay
For being smart in a stupid way
You stand there staring while your lover walks away
Being smart, in a stupid way

The doors they close like eyelids
The train just pulled away
Sometimes I smell the perfume that she was wearing on that day
And i wonder if there's anyone that i'll ever love in any way
Maybe I'll grow up and be good someday
Maybe this pain I feel will go away

And this is the price that you pay
For being smart in a stupid way
You stand there staring while your lover walks away
Being smart, in a stupid way

So why is my heart so hollow
Why are my dreams so shallow
And why don't I ever have anything else to say
And why is my love so far away

And this is the price that you pay
For being smart in a stupid way
You stand there staring while your lover walks away
Being smart, in a stupid way

i love this song, found it while surfing youtube.

go see:

apparently it was from this movie named Undiscovered, with ashlee simpson in it. i dont really hate or like her.




confuse me, will you?

confuse me, will you?

okay, firstly, i want to say, i am fine. REALLY REALLY REALLY! so all you concerned citizens out there, please dont worry anymore. tan woan tyng aint some emo kid who will drown in her tears and stuff. so she's back to her old laughing and abso nuts self. isnt that great? (big REAL smile.) the previous post was just a DRAMA QUEEN attack. you know,

okay, i went shopping today with my mummy and bros. i got to say, man! there are shit-loads of people! like they are stuffed everywhere! levi's, mango, starbucks, coffeebeans. PLAIN EVERYWHERE! thank goodness, mummy was smart to take a cab instead of drive down. or else, she would have flipped and just drive home. hahaha. i didnt buy anything; there wasnt anything that caught my eye and i have pretty much bagged most of my chinese new year outfits, so all i did was give highly-valued opinions (hah!) to my bros.

right, main point is while i was browsing around, helping liang pick up some stuff, this sales guy from this particular shop started being really helpful and was following me around, introducing all these stuff to me. it didnt that long for me (even thick me!) to figure that he was chatting me up or something. well, i was in a good mood and i didnt have anything to do since i was waiting for liang who was in the changing room, (i was wearing this new hot top i bought from dorothy perks, so i guess that's why i was feeling extra UN-cranky), so i didnt brush him off mean-ly (he was pretty good-looking too anyways. hah!). well, when he asked how old i was, in this feigned casual way, he got shocked when i said i was 17. HE THOUGHT I WAS 20-plus! WTFH~! 20-plus!! that's like 3 years or more older than what i am. urgh. uber pissed.

but what confused me was that after the whole uber-pissed-and-shocked-to-be-taken-as-20-plus! incident, i remembered that the day before when i went to the hairdresser's with baby, this person talked to me and she thought i was 15. RIGHT. i am so weird-out. the only explanations i can come out with are that:

first, it was the different outfits that made me look older/ younger. but seriously, if that dorothy perk top makes me look 20-plus!, i might consider chucking it into the back of my closet and never, ever wear it until i am like 18 or older. even if i love it to death, and it does makes me look and feel pretty darn hot. urgh.

second, it was the different people's opinions. i guess with the saying," beauty's in the eye of the beholder", every one's entitled to their own opinions. so i shouldnt take it oh-so-harshly or else i'll be stabbing anybody who guessed my age wrongly, with whatever i have at that moment.

third, the lighting of place, or aura, or humidity of air or whatever?

that's all i have now. seriously, do i look (hesitates for a moment, refusing to use THAT word)

(still not saying.)

(oh, fine.)

OLD? aargh! or childish-ish/baby-ish/younger? both are NOT good! you know why even younger's not good? cause i am NOT THAT old yet, so i DONT need or desire to look younger, unlike the older ladies!! i can only accept looking a wee bit older or younger (like a year), if not my exact age. sheesh. TELL ME TRUTHFULLY, my dear friends!




i want to look my age. you boo-boos!


i am just slow. and it couldnt hide.

i am just slow. and it couldnt hide.

consciousness lies;

i aint dainty fine.

pouring everything,

i remembered flashes of many things:

when we doodled their names around notepad rims and everywhere;

when we sketched cartoons of us in those stripped ties and those blue skirts;

when we stepped into them and immediately feel like we belong;

when we prayed so hard to just make it through.

SA dreams,

AC hopes.

now shattered.

i guess things werent taken lightly,

by me,


thus i shed.

for me.

for us.

for those regrets.

for those ends.

thanks bee, for the hugs, the back rubs, the forehead-kisses. sorry for scaring you, wetting your shirt, making you stay out late. i like the smell of your shirt, your soft sweet nothings, your attempts to make me smile.

dont worry, i really am fine.
though it fucking hurts. and things will probably heal faster with shit-loads of vodka lime.


save the trouble.

save the trouble.

okay, for all you busybodies out there, if you're asking me my results "out of curiosity, and not out of concern" (quoted from mickiekon), just SAVE THE TROUBLE. the last thing i need right now is people being all obnoxious and stuff. or whatever.

the thing i want to say is I CANT BELIEVE I GOT A1 FOR HIGHER CHINESE!! haahaha! i guess i really showed it to chen lao shi this time.

oh well, i guess which jc doesnt matter right? getting into the UNIVERSITY is the final goal. but still, congrats to those of you who did well! i am happy for you, really. and thanks to those who are sincerely concerned about me. i am feeling dainty fine! =)

i cant believe even mummy's friends are ringing up to ask and give opinions. bah. please dont brainwash my mummy!! urgh. my life, my way.




it's the 9th! and i am freaking out!

it's the 9th! and i am freaking out!

okay, you guys know, it's the 9th! man! i am so scared!

cant bloody sleep! am bloody scared!!

hope everything turns out top-notch!

all the best to us, besties!!




a temporary, new and sexier(?) voice.

a temporary, new and sexier(?) voice.

okay, waking up this morning, i got this bloody shock when i spoke to my mummy for what i heard was a foreign voice. in just one night, i guess my sore throat's condition has worsened by A LOT (must be those darn chips mummy tempted me with last night). and thus, i have this hoarse voice now. which is a 180degrees total change to my original voice, that was a pretty high-pitched and squeaky cheep. not so very attractive. well, despite the fact that this' a sign that i am seriously sick and my throat's probably in bad bad shape, i am loving this new voice! hahaha. although i cant sing (that's one bad point though.), i am finally experiencing the life of people with sexy, hoarse voices. like the many people i envy, i am now spouting crap with this sexy, sophisticated voice. and it's NOT dubbed! even bee agrees that it's uber sexy. i just hope this voice will last longer. my throat doesnt hurt anyways. no pain, no prob!

i watched the first episode of UGLY BETTY (shal, now i know what you were talking about!) on cable just now. seriously, betty aint ugly! she's just not made-up, like not groomed to be glam. it's a pretty nice show, in the high fashion and girly and cat-fight-ish way. resembles Devil Wears Prada. even the music's alike! i have a feeling many teenagers might like it when it comes out on channel 5. march, i think. desperate housewives' fans might just love it too!
anyways, check out its web. just for fun!


i heard that ting and jas are quitting their jobs at nafnaf in view of the start of school and stuff. hey, i havent visit nor get any discounts yet! damn, missed a chance. hmph. hahaha.

okay, i took my med, so am feeling alittle woozy and nutty, as evident from above. see all bpians friday! which is pretty soon. man, i am nervous. wish me luck to do well! MUST MUST MUST! did you guys do ting's freak-out routine today? haha.



"style comes and goes,
and the only constants are the wafer-thin beauties who wear it
and the oversized egos of the people who write about it."

(extracted from Ugly Betty's web; 'about me' page.)




finally i got to meet ting online just now. seriously, after the previous blog entry, the more i think of it, the sillier i think i am. like what was my problem? must the pre-results collection blues or trauma or jitters. or whatever. urgh. i guess i just miss them so much. especially ting, since i get to see her all the time last time..

anyways, for the benefit of those who are less informative and more down-dated (my new word! hah!) than i am, though i dont think there'll be anybody. haha. the media has said that the O results can be collected this friday, 9th feb in our respective schools at 2.30pm. so, be there in your school uniforms and a neat hairstyle. or else, TIGER (for bpians) has every right to stop you from getting in. we wouldnt want that, wont we? oh gosh! i have brown highlights! i should be speaking for myself ah! OMG!!

as you can see, i am freaking out. it's this new thing ting invented. what she says is that if we start freaking out now, when it gets to friday, we'll be so calm that we wont feel so horrible while waiting for the dreaded stuff and when we see that shits on our report card or whatever you call it. so yah, here goes:


there you have it. do it once every hour, it might just cure your jitters. hopefully. i know i will still cry no matter how i so, good or bad. good i hope!

so, see you all then! remember to hug me okay? i need all the love i can get. i have been weirdly insecure, unconfident and paranoid lately.so yah. hahaha. ALL THE BEST TO ALL OF US! ESPECIALLY ME AND MY BESTIES!! yah, us first!







okay, i am blogging secretly without baby knowing. he told me to stay in bed, and the only place i can go is the toilet. haha. well, have to come down for med ah, cant help it that i am not a princess with slaves that are serving 24/7. but hey, i am a princess regardless. shameless, i know. just took my med, and i know in no time, i'll start getting dizzy and need to sleep again. so before that, let me get this off my mind, so i can sleep in peace and not get weird dreams.

i was texting baby about this prob i recently encountered on my own part. maybe it's just me being paranoid and strangely insecure lately, but as you know from the earlier post, i think i am getting the jitters of this turning point of my life. graduating from sec school, getting my o results and enrolling into jc that is. it's like recently, i get this feeling of being left out from my besties. okay, this may sound stupid but i think i got alittle jealous when i got to know that jas and ting are recently having a whale of a time with jodi and jasmine. it's not that i am sore or i have something against them. please, hell no. we're good. it's just that i am just jealous that it's not us four having fun together instead. i do miss that alot. hm, or i miss that us four havent spent time in a pretty long time. aargh. why does every attempt to explain sounds so silly and pathetic still?! well, forget it. point is I MISS YOU GUYS SO BAD ah! and yes, i am a bestie that get all jealous when i feel that our relationship's changing and we're all getting new besties and one another are no longer regarded as the number one best friends. but i really do care.

okay, i am blabbering. i hear agitation's bad for sicknesses, let me calm it first. phew. done, let's continue.

so there i was texting baby, punching in every letter oh-so-hard due to agitation and just blabbering whatever came to my mind since i just need to get it out to find a solution and cant be bothered to sort it out (something like now actually.). he cant solve it for me too, but he did say stuff that made me think for myself. anyways, what i said was i feel that right now, with all the working, not going to school and stuff, we dont get much time to meet. it's a huge difference from those school days whereby we meet every weekday. so, i think things became this situation whereby we're like hanging in mid-air, our relationship not heading anywhere, and it makes me worry if we're going to be as close as before. things will be different for sure, i know and i accept that. but i'm just not sure if i or us can take and withstand this change. and things wont be as simple. remember how you graduated from pri school, thinking you'll still be as close to your pri school friends even if you get into different sec schools and meet new and different people? well, what happens now? i dare say almost 80% of us lost contact or awkwardness gets between you and your pri school friends. well, I DO NOT WANT THAT WITH US! i want us to last. yes, i do.
absence makes the heart gets fonder doesnt apply here. it's like people change so fast, and long absence guarantee distance.

well, i am feeling woozy now. need to sleep. besides, bee sent this text:
"what're you doing? still on your bed? (better be!)."
see the words in bracket? yah, i BETTER BE. it's good for me.

i hope things get better. i really do. and i really do care. LOVE YOU GUYS!



oh, bee wrote this to me. not very poetic but pretty sweet, in the real mushy way:

"B will not be forgotten,
A will not be gone,
B will not be abondoned,
Y shall last.

putting all together makes BABY,
and it symbolises that you will not be forgotten,
i will not be gone,
this relationship will not be abandoned,
and we and our love shall last."

i guess if you're into mushy stuff, this'll appear super sweet to you.
i love the simple stuff bee spouts naturally more,
like "i just hope that i'm able to give you that (talking about stuff and 'healing' each other's soul wounds) every day."
i like spontaneous sweerness. =)



okay, i am rushing this entry cause bee's coming over before heading back to singapore. we havent been able to spend much time together as i have been desiring to sleep after taking my med for the flu and fever and throat infection. sheesh. i hate being sick.

okay, point is I HAVE BEEN SO MISSING MY BESTIES IN SINGAPORE! everybod's doing their own stuff respectively nowadays, we dont get to talk or meet much due to the fatigue after work and stuff. it's like i feel extremely left out, especially upon seeing some signs of new besties here and there. i am getting sick of my life now, and desperately wants to get back to the previous studying-in-singapore-and-having-fun-with-my-besties life. it's really horrible to feel this left out, especially since i live pretty far from them (as in a causeway away!), and thus dont get to meet up that often.

i want us to be that closely knitted again. i am fearing some awkwardness on the 9th when we all meet again with the other classmates and get those dreaded shits. how will things turn out, both results and the atmosphere then? i really do wonder..



i want us to never end.


all over again.

all over again.

Turn down the light, Turn up the radio.
There's a fire in your eyes, and it's keeping me warm
Hold on to me like it was yesterday,
When we both felt our spirits collide

I remember the moment, being struck down by lightning
Since the first time I saw your face, and you smiled
Come and lay down with me
Fill the space that's between us
Feel the magic that keeps love alive

This time, can be like the first time
Close your eyes, and soon we'll be there
No man could ever guess what you're feeling
Turn a spark to a flame,
Make a wish, close your eyes, won't you start all over again.

Just like the first time that you touched my skin,
All over again
I tasted heaven take me there again,
All over again

Your smile
Your touch,
Your taste,
It turns me on and on and on,
That I fall in love with you,
All over again

Come and step through the stars,
Take a ride though the universe.
As long as we're here, let's take the whole thing in

What I'm trying to say,
Is that you are so beautiful
Let me say it, all over again

Cause this time can be like the first time,
Close your eyes, pretty soon we'll be there
No man could ever guess what you're feeling,

Turn a spark to a flame,
Make a wish, close your eyes, won't you start all over again.

Just like the first time that you touched my skin,
All over again
I tasted heaven take me there again,
All over again

Your smile,
Your touch,
Your taste,
It turns me on and on and on.
That I fall in love with you,
I keep falling in love, with you.
All over again

All over again



i never knew a hug would make such a big difference.
never, until this afternoon.
you took me into your arms and i put up the usual useless fight.
but your flexed muscles is surprising calming,
and in the end we just stood there.
with my insecurities, mood swings and crankiness melting away
that summer afternoon.

i never knew i cant express myself with the words that i speak so well.
never, until i met you
and the topsy-turvy that sweep me off my feet.
what can i say to show how i feel?
i love you? i need you? i want you?
i guess nothing's better than the hug we gave each other
that summer afternoon.

i never knew how people's love can last for ten, twenty or many more years,
with all the friction, misunderstandings and insecurities
that life never fails to cruelly throw in a couple's way.
never, until that realisation that hit me hard in the face.
now i think i had a feel of that magic that keeps love alive,
with you and that long hug,
that summer afternoon.

i fell in love with you.
all over again,
that summer afternoon.