when will ALL OF YOU be working together??

when will ALL OF YOU be working together??

mummy has suddenly ran off to KL again. must be on one of those outrageous shopping trips. always excluding this precious daughter of hers, leaving her in jb to dig up something use-able amidst the twit-ish crap and junk they sell in those so-called malls.
HMPH! good ah you, mummy. good.

while i wallow in self-pity about missing a shopping spree (yet again!) in shopping wonderland - KL, there is a little upside to mummy being away, namely heaps of freedom and the arrival of my beloved grandma. haha. granny cooks the best food, even though using mere groceries from those dinky markets. this woman knows magic i tell you, MAGIC! hahahaha. right, i am so insane. must be the chocolate bar i chowed down upon waking up, and now i am online, blogging. i am free from nags and stares. I AM FREE! hahahahahaha. until tonight. of course, the sweetest moments never last and there will always be dawn after every dusk or vice versa, depending on if you like mornings or nights better.

by the way, i finished the book already. seriously, it aint that bad. just a little perverted as the guy thinks about and does sex like almost all the time. it occurred to me, the whole point of the novel was to be cynical about the screwed and fucked up lives of people in britain. all those unemployment's, all the unglammed apartments. it's freakishly truthful and real. plus, it is pretty exotic with talks of india. so maybe you guys want to borrow it from the library or from yours truly, JUST DONT BUY IT. or else, there'll be another person or two wanting to burn down VINTAGE publish house and HACK down nripal's head.

REGARDLESS, i am forcing baby to read it too (and give me a summary of it to prove he DID read it.). this way, at least the book has been cycled like it's actually really really good, and i can then shrug the 36bucks away knowing someone else has 'enjoyed' it too. yah. hahaha.
pity him dont you?

hey ting, jas, jasmine and jodi!! when will it be a good time to visit you guys at work once and for all? i sincerely want to know you guys' well-beings and NOT merely there to clinch that 40% discount. hahaha!


i shall be gone now; take a bath and condition my no-longer-a-mop-of-grass hair. baby's coming in like 3 hours! man, i miss that guy like anything. plus, i want to see his face when i tell him about his reading assignment. hahahahaha!



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