i am 17!

i am 17!

so yah, finally, the day i have waited for so long has arrived. well, not really actually. i wasnt technically waiting for my birthday. it just so happened it is, and I AM PSYCHED!

THANKS TO EVERYBODY WHO HAS TEXTED, SENT TESTIMONIALS, EMAILED, TAGGED, ASKED OTHERS TO PASS THE WORD etc. YOU GUYS REALLY MADE MY DAY! even the most unexpected people warmed my heart! that means that i treat you guys pretty good, yah? (halo lights up!) hahaha.

anyways, i celebrated my birthday with the kids at mummy's kindergarten. now, that's a first. but it was pretty fun, with the cake, ice cream and stuff. i guess i was their favourite teacher for that day, though i have always been one of the favourites. heehee. the whole day was really sweetness, literally! haha. i loved loved the out-of-tune birthday songs (heard it twice. once at my form class, once with the childcare children.), the ice-cream-covered kisses, the cake-coated hugs, the stickers and sweets they gave and more more more. i guess a birthday can be fun, even without oh-so-elaborated presents, yah? haha.

speaking of presents, i guess i'll be getting them belated this year. i'll get my first one from bee this sat. hopefully. oh actually, it's HE BETTER!! haha. and the ones from my besties! will have to wait till i see them, MISS YOU GUYS!! as for the others, i have no idea. still on the plane? wherever. sheesh! i want my presents soon! i abso-love unwrapping these nicely-bowed surprises! haha. woots!

well, there is one downside to today, despite it being pretty fab. i am sick. again. i know, i am like as weak as an alley cat, being all unwell all the time. it's like i'll get better, then later, i am down again. i hate being all sore-throat-ish and feverish and nose-run-ish like now. hope i'll get better soon!

guess what? i have a passer-by on my tag! i have no idea why i am psyched but i just am! even wished me happy birthday. haha. PLEASE TELL ME WHO YOU ARE IF YOU READ THIS POST, PASSER-BY! i want to know. need to know. have to know. desire to know. i love surprises! and mysteries! not the detective-solve-cases ones, but just these real-life happenings happening to me! i cant stand the suspense and feeling of not knowing! tell me soon!! THANKS FOR WISHING! i know it aint a big deal. but i am the drama queen, it's in me to exaggerate. (shrugs.)

oh well, my birthday's ending now. haha. but who cares, i aint sad. to me, every day can be my birthday if i want it. that's the way i have been living my life all 17 years - just the way i like.

bee, dont be sorry that you didnt spend today with me. (he was all: "as we get older, some things will become boring in a way. sorry i wasnt there to make it interesting". poetic no? haha. tsk tsk. that guy.) i know you will make it up to me the best you can. =)

i got to go sleep. tomorrow's a hol! i have no idea why but, hey, you still get a day-off even if you dont know, no? i am going to sleep all day, i tell you! haha. to the bed! sorry for the randomness of today's post. i cant seem to relate to the paragraphs too. oh well, it aint an essay.



(be sure to read these heart-to-heart doodles by me! the tiny grey ones at the bottom.)

give me the surprises,
those nicely wrapped and bowed mysteries.
i cant wait to unravel,
to see your love in every single one of them

17 and loving it. thanks, you guys!

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