hello people. after tremendous nights of Movie Marathons (!!) (yes tyng has nuuu life.), i have finally found my true purpose in life (HAHA to that previous bracket cause it's some serious irony). wanna hear it huh huh huh. you know you wannaaaaa! okay, it's WATCHING MORE MOVIES AND SERIALSSSSSSS! aint that awesome. i just love being this crapbag (pfft. gets me everytime! i love Friends.) sorta person and stream old old weirdo flicks in front of the comp and just well, dwell (MUAHA "well, dwell".) in other people's interesting life with a glass of cold milk.

okay, so other than that, i have got (a) my Cashier's Order done and (b) the Letter from the Bank with regards to how much moolahzx my mother has will be on the way tomorrow, (c) the internet network pattern of Malaysia - whereby in the afternoons it's pretty much crap and at the darkest hour of the night, it's woot! - totally figured out, (d) a new Favourite DMC Hangout where it's Vintage and Wonderful (should i spend RM120 on Two bracelets?!) but remember to bring insect repellant, and (e) brings me to the aboved titled mentioned topic.

well, you know. since my reality physical persona is seriously lacking in the Love department, my mental one has resorted to Romance from other sources. basically, i have got this awesome analogy of the difference between Loving a person, Being Loved by a person, and Being IN Love with a person.

Loving someone is like when it rains, you wait with a brolly to shelter him.
Being Loved is when it rains, you are the one being sheltered from the rain.
Being IN Love is either both of you share a brolly or, walk in the rain together.

- TradeMark of Tyng.

now, aint that awesome?! i am super impressed with Love Guru Tyng. and well, if you have seen that movie, you would also know i just know how to preach and the practising department is pretty much lacking. my friend made another analogy:

Loving is like looking after a sick person.
Being Loved is being looked after when you are sick.
Being IN Love is when both of you are sick.

muaha. a tad sadistic but still. well, pretty much i think people dont get Loving and Being In Love. it's a fine line i think, like how the emotions appears to be the same - the care, worry etc. but Being In Love is a whole new level of passion and understanding, commitment and devotion. Loving just occurs to everybody - friends, family, dogs, cats, birds. but Being In Love is like only the two of you exists on the face of the world.

how cheesy am i getting! Mariska Hargitay. bye!

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