shitty, shitty day.

shitty, shitty day.

hello everybody. maybe the calender got the dates wrong, but today ought to be the legendary Black Friday/Friday the 13th for me.

one) morning, i nearly slipped in the bathroom. yah sure, i caught the sink for support, but the damn shower head knocked stars into my little head.

two) i totally forgo the fact that ICCS ICA was twelve p.m. i just had no idea, and somehow the assumption that it was during lecture time, which was three p.m, was stuck in my head.

so i went to school at around twelve-thirty and contacted the gang, happily thinking we would be lunching like usual and i could revise my notes.

but NO. i was frantically contacting them, thinking that they were ganging up on me, and prolly playing a prank on me by not answering my calls nor replying my texts. when nee pok finally called me at one, i couldnt believe it when she said something along the line "we finished the test".

i was so BAFFLED. anyways, now i need to buy a MC so that i can take a retest. there's no way i am throwing 15% away for free. i want an A!

three) dont mention the number of times i tripped while walking.

maybe God is hinting something. maybe i need to a better person, not that i can think of anybody i have harmed for the past few months. heeh. i even stopped kicking cats when i walk past one. okay, i was kidding about the cat thing; i love animals. FREE HUGS ANYONE?

i hope tomorrow is a better day. i also hope i will stop being so careless. come to think of it, i better put my panda notebook into better use.



i have got my mc, after paying 25 dollars and getting 2 packs of painkillers.

i am cheering myself up with the browsing of pretty things.

THIS IS THE RING I WANT! it's 200, prolly USD, which is not expensive at all, right! ohmy! I WANT I WANT!

and i have thoughts of getting a decent charm bracelet. it's like an essential piece!

but what brand have the top-notch charm bracelets? tiffany's have some awesome ones.
silver or gold?


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