heart you PARTY PEOPLE!

heart you PARTY PEOPLE!

nee pok,










hello! my feet hurts like FUCK and i have some creepy memories in my mind and sensation on my neck and left ear (tsk tsk.), but oh oh oh. LAST NIGHT WAS FREAKING NONSENSICAL WHEEEE AWESOME SUPERCALIFRAGILISTIC FUNNNNN!

there were all the RIGHT people and i dont know, i was living on PURE ADRENALINE that started rushing in the moment i stepped into my heels over at G's at around 6pm and it lasted till 4 am when the unforgettable evening ended. i mean, a quarter or alittle more, of cranberry vodka isnt anything near enough to obtaining a kick and i cant be bothered to squeeze over to the bar to get more drinks. SO PURE ADRENALINE IT WAS! (secretly wonder if heels has acupuncture purpose)

i very much want to list details and details of the night but there were wayy to many highlights. and besides, WHAT HAPPENED IN ZOUK, STAYS IN ZOUK. it was just pure FUN embodied.

how i wish i get to be an avid clubber since people already think that i am cause i "dance very well". ohmy ohmy.

anyways, i havent got pictures cause peipei's packing for her beach resort trip! envious! so head to her blog and read about the night too aight!

p.s. thanks! you party people! NEW HEARTS! and G and her brother-in-law!


i have to say things are falling into place nicely for me.

first, my dentist says that after two weeks, my braces are done and i just need to wear the retainer occasionally. and i thought i have to wait till 19! like i can bloody grin widely for national day (cause it's the closest public holiday. i wanted to say christmas but it's wayy to faraway of a time.) already la!

second, i passed my on-the-road driving test. though i failed the obstacles/circuit and all, i will make it the second time round! stupid hill thing. it was bloody raining and the hill was slippery okay, so that was why i slided back! ah ass.

third, i am talking to the boys now and saturday sounds like a blast! many people are going, possible inclusion of my ex longest crush ever. haha. all the shit talk our convo is filled with cracks me up!

ahh. i wish this all gets better!


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