bubbly love. and iphone pics.

bubbly love. and iphone pics.

hello. i just got home from D slut's place and am currently nursing a headache and bloated tummy from the two deluxe bottles of champagne + 7 UP we finished up! it was thai food at carabao and then D's mansion for some karaoke, movies, talks and bubbles with chocolate hearts!

there are pictures in adrian's iphone but i doubt i will ever get them cause i heard something about the bluetooth not working. i dont really bother anyways cause i am pretty much gone and all i want to do is *beep (censored).

party animal party animal party animal. my mummy wasnt very happy cause i forgot to call the whole time. but it's unfair cause i talked to her at the restaurant, and i told her all about the plans. i just didnt let her trace my every step. she's cranky cause my youngest bro sucks at school. anyways i hope my life hereafter gets mundane until school restarts. blabber blabber.

note to self : no champagne if i go clubbing. it's pretty much straight to wasteland, somewhat skipping the high (though i remember some loud laughter and cheering). i cant take my liquor with bubbles. and can you imagine 7 UP with champagne? it tasted heavenly sweet, so i was chugging glass (yes, GLASS. NOT FLUTE.) after glass without knowing how much i have taken.

should i take my med for sore throat now? will it go haywire with the possible amount of champagne left in my stomach, though i peed like twenty times? how come when it comes to her, i am always tempted to own take away make the things she has mine? i am truly sick.


replies to tags :

to all of you who tagged and said that i am thin or not fat, THANKS SO MUCH. but i am flabby! so i still need to exercise, which i havent been for four days now.

p.s. shanny, who are you?

peipei, YES! she's HOT HOT HOT!

three) huiying, I LOVE YOU GIRL! and yes, partying with you guys is just meant to be!



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