being straightforward isnt always good. but i cant help it.

being straightforward isnt always good.

but i cant help it.

hello everybody! i am hippity hoppity bunny happy now cause my hair smells good and i had a facial today. it was a girl's afternoon out with mummy dearest.

darren kessler scared the shit out of me when he told me he told SWAN about my crush on HIM and i swear i really nearly did shit in my pants.

but he didnt and it was just fooling around after he read the (controversial) post below and he guessed and intended to make sure and at the same time, make me shit in my pants.

at some point, i really thought he had told and it made my stomach all fluttery like i swallowed a thousand butterflies.

and now he's blackmailing me with "so $5 for every week i dont tell how is that?". he sucks but this is so funny eh. he even made up how the conversation will be like when he tells.

"SWAN! u know that malaysian gal? ya that mad mad one. ya man, she likes you dude."
"WTF !? u serious darren?"
"wow better stay away from her man, who knows what they do in msia.."

so much for friends! tsk tsk! i am so hurt.

moving on, i tried to do the marketing for hospitality tutorial today and i was baffled. didnt get a thing the question was asking. HOW NOW! i am going to read the lectures at cms and then try again. see! i am working hard now, definitely trying to keep it up though. it's so hard to keep trying at the thing(s) you dont get after more than two tries.

okay, got to go. just here to tell people to STOP BLACKMAILING ME! to think i entertain you.


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