

appearing offline. waiting for limewire downloads at 3kb/s. what the fuck. sucky sickness. no fun tomorrow. bed rest. no cycling. no laughing. no nothing.

why do i keep thinking about you? now, i wouldnt dare ask if you're missing me too.

sometimes i get so frustrated with myself. i tend to always hold on to things in my heart. it's not keeping faith cause i have almost lost every ounce of it. it's more of an oblivion on how to let go. i never knew how to let go, and that's why at some point of time, i find myself going back and brooding about the past. it's like some mentally retarded circling this mulberry bush, walking round and round and round. intentions to burn it and leave it behind. but then, i get confused and lose my purpose and motivation and meaning. like now, i have no fuck what i am saying.



ashes to ashes,
dust to dust.
oh, when our heart clashes,
it's like pizza crust!

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