sick as a stick.

sick as a stick.

my immune system has failed me terribly again. i am so sick, there isnt a voice when i speak out. i sleep and feel drowsy from the effect of the med. now tell me how am i going to find a job, or go out and have fun, or have slumber parties wtih myself and my imaginery friends, or do movie marathons or just be silly and jump on my bed for five hours straight? i hate being sick.

i love sushi. but my mum has been making us eat jap for like the past few weeks. it's nice, but now, i wont pay hundred of bucks for it anymore. hahaha. homemade miso soup is part of my diet. but i ate french fries yesterday (yes, even with a SORE sore throat) and now, i think i am back to 48kgs.


the L on my keyboard is so hard to press! everything's against you when you're feeling unwell. i am waiting for "cashmere mafia" to finish downloading on limewire. ngjunyou applauds it for it's ultra chic-ier than "sex and the city"fashion! we'll see!



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