aka 蕭敬騰. if you havent heard of him, maybe you're too english-cultured to be true, or you arent my friend, or maybe you're just living in a secluded twenty-feet deep well. YUP. he's tan woan tyng's first and prolly last, idol!

he has the greatest voice, and i love him. it's like, i cant believe i will be so crazy over a singer, not to mention manda-pop.

i searched him on youtube and he has like 13 or so pages and i watched every single one of them. hahaa. i am contemplating to buy his book and his album. THERE, i am officially mad about him. i even put up with the highly overrated act-cute-ish taiwanese entertainment variety shows just to watch him. (i shant upload the vids here in case you guys collapse foaming at the mouth and all other areas possible and impossible.)

so anyways, i was bored and lazy to get out of my house. again. so i youtubed other stuff and this is one song i kind of appreciated. to me, both the original singer and jam's cover are differently unique. and the lyrics are romantic and meaningful. (finally an usage of my higher chinese. woots!)

comparison of both versions.

a better original version.




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