

"u have lotsa admirers. but only weirdos got the guts haha"

"cos they got nth t lose what"

"already weird"

"so make thebest of it lah"


well, i just got reminded why sometimes i cant help but HAVE to talk to her when i see her online, even if she has her "busy" or "away" signs put up (to keep stalkers away). sorry eh, love. i CANT resist bothering you.

so, most icas are done. macro sucked but access was better comparatively, but still bad.

i think i need to escape to cosy, cosy max brenner at the esplanade after going through the "esplanade story" tunnel.

sit there daydreaming and looking at the pretty boxes they have and take in the peace dosed with a tad of cocoa bean's fragrance.

then maybe lepak in the lovely library.

all alone. i dont mind a selective few tagging along, but just the "them" i choose.

well, well. i want to cut class tomorrow. but who to hang out with? man, my social circle. or am i too picky? i cant help it if i have a mingle problem. this is why i am such a goody with 100% attendance; i havent got friends to havoc with.

sleep beckons. bye.



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