hello people. watching Skins made me think about how people should just do whatever they want to and not be restricted by others and most importantly and most of the time, themselves. i have always been one such idiot, tying myself down and being rational and realistic because i have a large tendency to be such a fucktard, being controlled by just emotions. oh and of course, there's this nagging possessive obsession compulsive order-ish problem of mine which involves needing every detail to be exactly how i want them to be. that involves humans too and defo i know that they have their human rights so it's improper to manipulate people but why do you care, cause they dont get manipulated anyways and in the end, shit comes down and i get hurt.

my excuse is that i have a pretty clear what's not good for me so i try to make plans on things so i can live my life without being hurt. how come nobody understands, and they have to go around doing whatever they like inconsiderately and then their bloody "Mood Swings (end up giving me a bloody) Whiplash" - Twilight.

i mean that scene when Cassey gave Sid a kiss then LATER A BIG FUCKING TIGHT SLAP because he was supposedly together with her and then misled that she was sleeping with this guy who is actually gay so freaking scolded her, and gets on to hooking up with Michelle, who's close with Cassey, was just fucking awesome. and i just meant, the SLAP.

so Fuck you all, jerks. have a nice life, and stay out of mine. oh and other inhabits, stop pretending to be so bloody Cheery cause we all know you're not.

quote of the day: "ah why cut yourself when you can be in love?" haha. what an irony.


Anonymous said...

hey, u ok?...u seem very very unlike urself. who upsetted u? if u need someone to listen...

tyng said...

aww you're sweet, junyou but i am dainty fine now!