i was telling well, no one actually myself that it doesnt feel like Chinese New Year and my 19th are in a few days'/week's time. in fact, it doesnt even feel like Study Break's after tomorrow and then Exams and then Year Break and then Year Three and then Orlando and then Semester Two of Year Three and then Graduation and then what? okay let's not go there. i guess even with my degraded command of English you get what i mean.

then again, HB nearly made me tear today. it's the same every year; people (especially HB!) surprise me with birthday celebrations and i am so genuinely moved that i cry. but the weather today's horribly warm, so my tears didnt come out.


but the River Island wallet has no compartment for notes! -.-

well. i havent got much to say actually. maybe i have grown out of blogging. is it possible to load pictures taken using a lomography camera to the computer? cause i want to get mine and i want to blog my pictures.

like this one:

muahaha i am such a narcissist. bye! going to read Facebook Bathroom Wall; some stories are actually pretty awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had mentioned to peis that if tyng said that there's not compartment for notes, i will reply 'cause we know that you dont have notes to spend BUT just CARDS!' HA!