i have been slogging on my projects (plural noted.) since i dont know when and it is only at this moment that i can breathe and close the ever-opened windows containing researches and my folders labelled "Projects". (note all the plurals sucker!)

i am wayy pass being pissed off, i cant even scold "fuck" cause well i am tired, fatigue, bored, sad, depressed. but now, i am happier cause well, next week tasks are cleared. just the week after next left now.

okay i have pictures. lame ones.

yay mng shades.

that night before we got drunk at Dolce.

Singapore Arts Museum is the sex!
so cold, so nice, so near erhm.

this is the stairs, not an art piece.

2009 is pretty awesome so so far. though i am overwhelmed by the mind-stimulating projects and nagging shoulder-aches after typing for four hours straight non-stop at the same position without going to the toilet for fear of losing my train of thought (yeap.), i still have The Dirty Mistresses Club to keep me company and we go driving around late at night and drink teh and be happy and laugh so loud. definitely one of the first few things i am gonna miss when i get shipped off to Orlando for six months (ignoring possiblities of failing Finance here). cant wait, but still.
okay got to go pee finally. hahaha no lah, crazy. asses.

Eliza Crawford Lee says:
you power
Eliza Crawford Lee says:
dont type la

Eliza Crawford Lee says:
no wait

Eliza Crawford Lee says:
you try using your toes

Eliza Crawford Lee says:
maybe you're more of toes-oriented

Eliza Crawford Lee says:
it's okay to look stupid. no one is looking

- "Eliza Comments on Typing" (2009)



- said...


tyng said...

HAHAHA! shush!