happy december everybody. i have been mia for oh-so long now that the net doesnt interest me that much anymore. i keep forgetting my true purpose of finishing up my projects and end up facebook-ing photos. it's truely a bitch having my friends bumming around while i have too many loose ends to tie up in school.

i just want to fly off to orlando this instant. well maybe after a huge-ass party.

right now stuffing myself with prune-like grapes which are not soft and soggy but crispy somewhat, i feel like i am ready for some adventure, some action, some fun. i hate guilt, boredom, stagnant. why am i back here again, i have no idea.

i just cannot wait for the two weeks' break and hopefully i am able to squeeze in more excitement than possible. cause right now, i feel like i want to just skip school and let my classmates mark me down for free-riding on the stupid projects. maybe some pre-christmas booze and ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF POST CEREALS (ooh, banana nut crunch, blueberry morning, shredded wheat. mmm.) afterwards.


been stuffing my face with too much food, i think i am growing fatter and fatter and fatter. and fatter. it doesnt help that the scale at home is spoilt cause my brother kicked it accidentally down the stairs. why is everything going mad!

p.s. go see VS '08 on youtube. Sexyback still goes uber well. okay so maybe William aint that bad either. every this time of the year, i start to doubt my sexual orientation all over again. muahaha.

i havent eaten anything since around 2 p.m just now. i feel so thin thin think. whee.

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