the wicked cycle has to go on.

the wicked cycle has to go on.

i've got the waves of emo again (prolly cause i dont have to do anything all day as THE GRANDPARENTS are here, taking charge and pampering. three cheers to spoilt princess!). think think think. blame blame blame. hope hope hope. pensive pensive pensive. imagine imagine imagine. tear tear tear.

i'd swear it's the menstrual but i dont really know my issue anymore. i am guilty of advising someone to dump her boyfriend to get her out of the misery that jerk was giving her. but when i saw her on friday, the weak smile shattered me and my seemingly selfish assumption that she would be better off without him, like many thought so too. breakups are always the hardest way to settle a problem, but people are taking it so lightly nowadays that sometimes, i too forget it isnt a light-hearted solution at all.

maybe people are making more and thicker masks for their 'performances' these times. shrugging all true emotions away and continuing with the wicked cycle that has to go on. and then, it's one lover after the another like socks are to be changed after being worn once. it's either this, or to never start getting into the whole dating scene. i am disappointed in everything. all i want is for all my friends to be happily in love with their respective dream guys and may the love, excitement and passion never subside. judging from cupid's expression, that never happens in real life.

and i think it's time i stop thinking about things that never happen in real life. it leaves me broken in the end, and i feel like the whole world has cheated on me. and i just want to be violent and stab people or beat the crap out of them at least. i chanced upon smallville on cable and it was this episode where lana nodded at someone's comment of clark being a "loser" or something. you know what? i hate lana for being such a bitch, tormenting clark throughout all seasons of smallville. though they might end up all lovey-dovey, i think she is an idiotic asshole who doesnt know anything. ahh.

similarly, i was out for dinner and i saw a girlfriend abusing her boyfriend by giving him ugly bitter faces and pushing away all his kind acts of putting food on her plate etc. he even held her hot pink hello kitty (i am so used to twits-exposure in jb that i am immunised to them, and always managed to cease myself from barfing my guts out. (: ) when they left the restaurant. another bitch. ah well. i have been educated there are full of them out there.

i am hoping shopping bonanza with mummy tomorrow happens. i desperately need new clothes and shoes and hopefully, a bag or two. i am giving in to the seduction of all the glossy pictures of high fashion in bazaar and vogue.

so meanwhile i search for the perfect RICH and (let's not forget) GENEROUS boyfriend, i have to live off my beloved mother, who's as much of a shopaholic as i am. (i thank Him who's above every single second for giving me a fashionable mother who shares the figure i have and we can exchange shoes and everything.)

shit. now, i crave starbucks and i wish i have an outlet in my house.

mickie finally revealed her blog :

http://getaloadof-this.blogspot.com/ .

hahaha it is real enlightening.

"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words hurt even more than stones."





i am a coward who doesnt have the guts to face you at all.

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