away and BACK!

away and BACK!

man, my comp's been tripping lately. have to call the repair man real soon now. my enrolment package has finally arrived and honestly, it wasnt that interesting. there are all these things i have to get doing before 30th march and they are only half completed. so yah, i am pretty busy thinking about how to get on with them. i just hate it when i have to do stuff that concerns the admin or paper work. blah blah blah. hate it.

due to this lousy bloody comp, i didnt get to see much of the tags by you guys. i am so sorry. well, i've replied. so go see and forgive me yah? haha. that's all i guess. i havent got much to tell. have been spending time with baby the last week. have no comments about that. haha. but i really enjoyed it and he did too. he better! hahahahaha.

it's another round of extraction this wed. and most prolly i'll get my braces done by orientation on 11th and 12th. term starts at 16th! i am strangely not excited, more of nervous. how will the people be like? will i survive? will i make friends? these are all stuff i dont want to ponder about first. after the cleaning up and throwing of secondary school stuff away yesterday, reality really hit me and i now know, all BP stuff are the past and just the sweetest memories. nothing's the same anymore.





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