we are all the same.

we are all the same.

i was talking to zack about religion just now. yes, yes. i know. sounds like a boring topic and definitely one which teenagers dont really discuss, but it's pretty interesting once you get into it. how we got into it? well, he was experiencing some kind of a problem whereby he was distanced by somebody because he's not devoted enough to God. just a guess after much ponder. but, i know, over-rated, huh?

anyways, we came to a conclusion that people are definitely NOT at wrong to NOT have a religion. what i think is, biologically, we are all the same, no matter what religion we believe in, what color we are, what language we speak etc etc. we are all warm-blooded homo sapiens, who have two eyes, a nose blah blah. you know what i mean. so, why should we differentiate one another with religion? i wont demonize religions, for i do admit that they serve as a pretty useful guide to some in The Way of Life. of course, they help people to do good; and it's definitely beneficial to have faith about something that becomes your pillar of life. so, religions are good, naturally. but like money, it is made bad by humans. money is not a harmful thing, but due to people's greediness and ambitions or whatsoever, many sins and crimes are committed in the vie for the moolah. in the end, all point their fingers at the misunderstood money. tsk tsk. similarly, people used their religions as an excuse to start up racial riots, wars and many other chaos, killing and harming the innocent. arent i right?

therefore, i think that people should not try to enforce their thinking and religion on others. every one should have the right to choose what they want to be. it's definitely okay to introduce your thinking and beliefs to others, but please, please, do not pressurize anybody; and also, please dont ostracize anybody just because he/she is different from you.

thank you if you are accepting everybody for what they truely are. you are definitely doing the world a favor.
to world peace! cheers! <3

i dont feel ready to be devoted and i respect all religions, therefore i am staying neutral. =)



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