my 101 years old great-grandpa.

my 101 years old great-grandpa.

went to my grandparents' house today to visit them and also my great-grandpa who is currently living there after the constant rain flooded his house in kota tinggi, which is pretty far from here. yup, he's 101years old this year, but still bloody strong and alert. i guess it's in the genes. he doesnt really do much pampering to himself actually, neither does he import wasabi and sashimi from Japan or use dew water to make chi tea, or eat Korean ginseng. hahaha. he's a frugal person, since he was an entrepreneur who came to malaysia from china at age of 15 and started an import-export business from nothing. it's like a story from the drama serial about war and our ancestors. i dont need to visit museums to know about life back then, i have this living history textbook right in our family. and indeed, he came from china on a raft/sampan, made a living and loads of moolah, contributed to society and helped many people when the world wars stroke back then. wonder why he wasnt named a hero like lim bo sheng.. maybe not high-profile enough? anyway, mummy told me today, if a person lived over 100years old, his funeral will be done in red like a wedding, in chinese custom. so it means that it's a happy thing, kind of like celebrating that someone lived to over a 100. so yah, i thought it was pretty cool. not many people get to see or attend this kind of funeral, no? not that i am expecting to do it so soon, but death's part of life, so yah, it's normal to talk about it. honestly, i dont want him to die so soon, i travelled to so many places with him and my grandparents. so he has the clearest memory about me. plus i am pampered by him too. guess i really live in a pretty special family, and i am so uber glad to be the apple of every body's eye. haha. loving the attention.

AND, mummy and i went shopping today. again. and i got a dorothy perkins top which has psychedelic colours. and mummy bought a dress. haha. but i am really bummed that they dont sell jewellery in the retail shops at the mall anymore. can you imagine not being to get earrings or necklaces or bracelets from topshop or dorothy perkins or nafnaf in jb's supposed best mall? i was so swearing "omg, wtf" in my heart when i asked the staff and they told me the bloody bad news. now, i have
get to kl or singapore to buy a pair of earrings. am pissed, really.
ting! please tell me where you got that pair of earrings which you wore when we went to newyork newyork. pretty nice, girl! dont mind if i got the same ones?
but whatever, mummy agreed for me to go shop in spore when i need better stuff. she's pretty much sick of jb's super lousy shopping experience too. i caught her sneaking to orchard and city hall a couple of times with her friends. to think she dared to say she bought it here when the paper bag clearly stated that they have branches all over the island, but hey, no franchise in jb. haha. smooth, mummy. smooth. also, her often trips to bangkok (without me!) also set my desire to turn 18 real fast. so i can travel legally by my own. aargh. want to migrate again.

bitch corner.

okay, i have a point to make!! why in the world do people wear dark, dark shades indoors, then bump into others and say "i didnt see you" like it wasnt their fault? not even an apology! well, DUH you didnt see me, you dumb-ass! your vision was blocked by your moronic white-rimmed dark shades which you put on in a place with abso-NO eye-blinding sun rays or reflection of light rays from a bald spot! you idiot. like i am that short or small-sized. i was wearing my 3-inches heels, so i am pretty much taller and definitely VISIBLE! how dare you say "i didnt see you" like it's my fault for being not-that visible so you can ram your fat bod into my guts. and as if it was me who appeared out of nowhere and bumping into your sunglasses-wearing bimbo of a girlfriend. dont you bully a young and innocent girl who doesnt have her man or bodyguards around, you big baboons. i was just minding my own business, WATCHING WHERE I WAS GOING, and looking into dorothy perkins and saw that top i kind-of liked, was about to turn in and BAMM! now i am all fired up. my boobies still hurt from the collision with miss super-big-jumbo-truck and partner. an actual case of my all-time-favourite mutual bad taste. ouch much. i was not that pissed about the you-hurting-my-fragile-bod-part seriously, it was more of the no-apologies-and-still-behaving-like-ill-mannered-shits-oh-so-sarcastically part that made me want to jump at them, tugging at their ugly dyed-gold mops of shits. urgh. pissed pissed pissed. people who support me, do TAG!! i so want to write a petition to the govt for banning shades indoors! it's air-conditioned and sheltered, for pete's sake!



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